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After the rim-bending process, the cabinet is held in place with beams and clamps until the glue dries. The drying time can last up to 72 hours or more.
Steinway is credited with the design and development of a continuous rim made of between 12 and 18 laminates glued together to make a single piece. This design innovation not only enhances the strength of the cabinet, but it is also said to enhance the piano's sound transmission. Such advances in design are why Steinway grand and baby grand pianos provide such long lasting quality and endurance. They are why people expect Steinway pianos to pass from generation to generation.
Next: A trip to the spray booth.
Photographs by Robert Callaghan, RPT
Barron, James. Piano: The Making of a Steinway Concert Grand. New York, Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2006.
Closson, Ernest. History of the Piano. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1944.
Fletcher, Neville H. and Thomas D Rossing. The Physics of Musical Instruments. New York,Springer, 1998.
Loesser, Arthur. Men, Women and Pianos, A Social History. New York, Dover Publications, Inc., 1954.